Tathagat Foundation

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Path of Devotion

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The path of devotion is another name for the way of surrender. It entails living as a nobody and contently accepting all that life has to offer. One must pray to the Almighty with a never-ending desire to find the path leading to inner peace. Spiritual surrender is offering one's will to God and involves submitting oneself completely to God's will.The first and last steps to letting go of the past and creating the world one has always imagined are to offer everything to the Divine in whichever form he or she chooses. The ultimate fulfillment of one’s spiritual existence is complete and total surrender with nothing left to give up. In order to surrender, one need not give anything up, one must simply allow the goodness, truth, and purity that one always has to flow naturally through them and out into the world. Even if it's in one’s hands, nothing actually belongs to him/her; and one is merely borrowing it all for the time being. This can be achieved through completely dedicating oneself to teachings of religious books or following the teachings of spiritual teacher. Read More

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The Bhakti Marg prescribed in Hinduism is a path to surrender in order to approach salvation by way of ardent devotion to a deity. The marg first appeared in South India between the seventh and tenth centuries in Tamil hymns written by the Alvars and Nayanars to the gods Vishnu and Shiva, respectively. The Bhagavata-purana, a Sanskrit work from the century, is where Bhakti first appeared in North India. In Islam, Muslim notions of submission to God were present from the beginning, and later on poet-saints like Kabir brought Sufi aspects. Through transformative and purification activities to achieve oneness with their personal gods, devotees on this path grow a strong love and devotion for them. As they engage in mindfulness, they gradually purge their thoughts of all impurities such as wants, attachments, egoism, among others. In Bhakti marg, when one worships, it involves dedicating oneself to something that is more essential than one's own personal goals or benefits. When one commits themselves to something bigger than oneself, life takes on a whole new meaning and purpose. Real happiness results from having a worshipful attitude, from knowing that you are serving something greater than temporary mental or sensual pleasures. One can worship through a variety of diverse forms, such as praise, prayer, meditation, puja, and japa, among others. Read More

Prominent Preachers of Bhakti Marg

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