Education should be focused on providing students with opportunities to actively engage with the world around them. Holistic education emphasizes the need for students to be actively involved in their own learning, shaping their own curriculum based on their interests and needs. This approach allows students to develop their own unique ways of knowing and understanding the world, and fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility for their own learning. Holistic education recognizes that human beings are multidimensional and that their development requires attention to all aspects of their being. It goes beyond the traditional focus on academic learning and vocational skills and embraces the physical, social, emotional, aesthetic, creative, and spiritual aspects of human development. A conducive learning environment is created that supports the growth of the whole person, recognizing that each person has a unique path of development and that learning must be tailored to meet individual needs. Regarding freedom of choice, holistic education advocates for a student-centered approach, where students are actively involved in the learning process and have the opportunity to make choices about what they learn and how they learn it. This approach is based on the idea that students are more motivated to learn when they are engaged in topics that are meaningful to them and have a sense of control over their own learning process. Read More